Monday, December 20, 2010

The OB Tampon Mystery of 2010

Hopefully I'm not alienating any male readers I may have here, but the plot thickens (see the second half of a previous post for the beginning of the story). I've been doing a little googling, and it turns out that the whole country is out of OB tampons. I learned this reading Carey Goldberg's article for WBUR. According to her article, Johnson & Johnson is saying it's just a manufacturing issue. But they're not saying much else. I commented on her article and it printed my full name (egads!), so I emailed her to fix it and we got to chatting a little. She is a bit suspicious and now I am too. Given all the trouble that Johnson & Johnson habeen in lately, it's hard not to think that there might be something shady going on with yet another one of their products. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Looking forward to bragging about knowing the whistleblower on the great tampon snafu of 2010!

  2. Julian Assange could use a good tampon story right now.

  3. Who couldn't really?

    Tron, you win the Best Comment on This Blog Thus Far Award.

