Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Just Fairness Y'all. That's All

Somehow lately I've been reading a lot of gay blogs. I guess probably because I have the same social and political leanings as these guys. Saw this today on Joe.My.God (also, excellent blog title!). It makes me crazy that gay marriage is even an issue, that homophobia exists. I have a general life rule that I don't really give a fuck what you do as long as you're not hurting anyone doing it. Why are we getting into people's business? Why are we taking away (well, never really giving in the first place) civil rights? Based on attraction? That seems like the least important thing. Anyway, this guy says it pretty damn well. (Sorry that it's bleeding over. I have to work on some formatting stuff. Another day!)

UPDATE: Civil unions passed in Illinois! Yay!
Still not marriage though :(

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