I currently have an ill-advised crush on an Australian. It was initially only sort of ill-advised because, after three dates, he went back to Australia for various work and family reasons for 2.5 months. Now it's really ill-advised because in the meantime, he got a job on a project there and now won't be back til January. Story of my life. Another story of my life is liking guys that live very far away. The last guy was in London. I didn't really think I'd be able to exceed that, but I have. Aussie and I are not dating, though. We are occasionally emailing with tentative plans to hang out when he gets back. But that is a long time from now, so who knows. He is on my brain a lot though because he is seriously the first FUNNY guy I've hung out with since The Ex. That's about five or six years, people. I have been waiting five or six years to laugh like this! On our second date, he did the worm for me. I was smitten. But yeah, only three dates to go on here, so I have to remind myself that that's not enough for a fully informed opinion of someone. However, I continue to crush.
I'm not actually trying to do any research on Australia, I just keep seeing things about the country/continent and they've been popping out at me now that I've got Z on my mind. And some of them have really boggled my mind to the extent that I've asked him about them. But then I try not to ask too much because I don't want it to seem like I'm internet stalking Australia/him.
Z is from Melbourne (my good friend Jane Donuts, who hates Australians, said, "At least he's not from Sydney." I have no idea what that means. But I will say that I think every single person that I've talked to about Z has done a "groan, Australia" kind of thing. What's wrong with Australia/ns??? They're so nice! [One friend said they're "right up there with the Swedes," followed by a quizzical look from me and then, "in terms of fucking" and then something about Australians inventing the term spit roasting or something].) Anyway, whatever, Australia-haters! There are a lot of cool things that come from Australia! For example:
- INXS. So many times lately, I've been scrolling through my iPod, past the Is, thinking, "God! Again! I want to listen to INXS again!" This pre-dated meeting Z, so I feel okay (albeit kind of weird) about it. I just put on some INXS, btw. Don't Change is for real one of the best pop songs ever.
- Crowded House. LOVED this band when I was a wee lass. Especially this song. They're from Melbourne! This singer is actually a Kiwi, but there are Aussies in the band.
- Obnoxious Owl. My girl Kasey pointed me to this blog a while ago. Then I fell off and today I checked her out again while I was supposed to be studying. Learned that she's in Melbourne. But that she's actually not Australian (I don't know where she's from. UPDATE: She's South African). I like this girl's style. She's funny and visually bonkers. I love reading her blog. Also her advice for guys is spot-on. Read it!
- Vegemite. Just kidding. That shit's gross (yes, I've tried it).
- Cut Copy. Also from Melbourne. That city sounds fun!
- Koala bears. Duh.
- That teenager that had that crazy rager. In person, I'd probably want to punch him and teach him grammar, but, half a world away, he's pretty entertaining. Don't watch too much of this video because it gets annoying. Also that newscaster needs to be shot.
- ***OMG That guy is from Melbourne too!!!!
So anyway, some of the mildy mind-boggling things about Australia:
- In this article, discussing the case of the "the dingo ate my baby" woman, the Australian author says, "This was the 1980's, when we still called Australian indigenous people "aborigines"..." Wait, what?! Isn't that what we still call them? I was a bit terrified of having been accidentally offensive, so I did ask Z about this one. He said Indigenous Australian is the correct term (duh, guess I should have figured that one out!), but he said aborigine is also fine.
- Then I saw this, randomly.
I'm sorry, but WHAT THE FUCK?! Is that real?!?!?!? I haven't asked Z in an attempt to play it cool/sane. But come on! Also, do kangaroos just sit there like that when you walk up to them? And aren't they MUCH bigger?
And there was something else, but now I've forgotten. This is one of those blog posts that was better in my head I think.